Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) 2024

Author Guidelines

These guidelines are designed to streamline the process of submitting high-quality extended abstract. All extended abstract must be founded on original work and any instance of plagiarism will result in disqualification.

General Guidelines
  1. Please submit your extended abstract for URS2024 adhering to the provided guidelines.
  2. Early submission is recommended to facilitate timely review.
  3. Ensure compliance with submission guidelines and declare that your extended abstract hasn’t been published elsewhere or under review elsewhere.
  4. Submit the “Author Declaration Form” when the camera-ready copy is submitted.
  5. The final decision to accept or reject the extended abstract will be under the editorial board’s authority with the reviewers’ recommendations.
  6. Extended abstracts that do not follow the guidelines will need revisions or may be rejected.
  7. Once received, a confirmation email will be sent to the corresponding author.
  8. Late submissions will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended
The papers should conform to the following formatting guidelines.
Title Description
2,000-2,500 words excluding the list of references
Page size
A4 paper
Line spacing
1.5 space
Text alignment
Times New Roman, 12 points.
Structure of the Submission
1. Details of Author/s (First Page)

Include a concisely worded title.
Bold, center aligned, capitalize the first letter of each word in the title except prepositions and conjunctions

All authors must be listed on the first page after the title in the camera-ready paper. The corresponding author ensures that all authors have seen, approved, and understand the paper’s contents. All authors are accountable for the accuracy, including statistical calculations.

Author name(s) affiliation(s) and emails should appear after the title as follows:
Lead Author, Co-Author One*, Co-Author Two (Times New Roman 12)

Full affiliation of the first author, including Country (Italic, Times New Roman 10 with upper- and lowercase letters, centered,) e-mail Address (Italic, Times New Roman 10)

Full affiliation of the first co-author, including country (Italic, Times New Roman 10 with upper- and lowercase letters, centered) e-mail Address (Italic, Times New Roman 10)

Full affiliation of the second co- author, including country (Italic, Times New Roman 10 with upper- and lowercase letters, centered) e-mail Address (Italic, Times New Roman 10)

*  Corresponding author should be marked with asterisk.
Note: The author(s) should not be identified anywhere else in the article to facilitate the blind review purposes.

2. Abstract (Second Page)

Title of the Paper – Times New Roman, 14 points, bold with upper and lowercase letters in bold font and centered.

An abstract of at least 250- 350 words. Highlight the main features of your manuscript. Avoid using abbreviations and jargon that may be unfamiliar to readers outside your field. Formatting – Times New Roman, 10 points.

3-5 keywords. Choose these carefully as search engines may use them to access your paper. Formatting: Times New Roman, 10 points, Italic. 

3. Extended Abstract (From Third Page)

Only the major headings as given below should be presented (Introduction, Methodology, etc.). Headings should be left aligned and displayed in capital letters with bold font on a dedicated line.

  1. Introduction

This section provides background information on the study, including its significance, contributions, and how it relates to previous research. It outlines the study’s scope and limitations. Specific issues, contradictions, or knowledge gaps addressed by the study are discussed, supported by relevant literature. Clear research objectives are then stated to address the research problem.

  1. Methodology

The methodology must be clearly stated and described with enough detail and citations. It should outline the research framework, hypotheses, and detail the methods used for data collection and analysis. Justify why these methods are suitable for addressing the research problem.

  1. Results and Discussion

This section shall summarize and briefly discuss the main findings of the research, using data, figures, tables, etc. The findings shall also be compared to other studies or generally accepted knowledge in the field.

  1. Conclusion and Implications

This section should present the principles and generalizations drawn from the results, along with any identified problems or limitations. It should discuss the theoretical and/or practical implications of the study. All conclusions should be based on the information presented in the results and discussion section.

4. Headings Formatting

First level: Bold, left aligned, and numbered using Arabic numerals such as 1, 2, etc.
Example: 1.  Theories

Second level: Bold, left aligned, and numbered using Arabic numerals using the 1.1, 1.2, etc.
Example: 1.1 Dividend Policy

Third level: Bold, left aligned, and numbered using Arabic numerals in the format 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc.
Example: 1.1.1 Bird in the Hand Theory

5. Titles of tables/ figures/ appendices

Left aligned, capitalize the first letter of each major word. Numbered consecutively. All figures/tables should be integrated in the text. The figure caption style should have the same font and size as the main text.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

6. File Format
  1. Submit the paper as a single Microsoft Word file.
  2. Only extended abstracts are accepted for the conference.
  3. Papers submitted should not have been published or accepted elsewhere.
7. Other Guidelines
Title Description
Define abbreviations in parentheses the first time they appear and use them consistently afterward.
Equations should be editable and not in picture format.
In-text citations are enclosed in parentheses and identify other research.
Each citation should have a corresponding reference.
When citing papers, include author(s) name(s) and publication year.
For papers with more than two authors, use the first author's name followed by 'et al.'
Reference style
Use APA style for references and citations.
Sort the reference list alphabetically.
Do not number the references.
Apply a hanging indent.
Refer to the APA 7th edition style guidelines to ensure compliance. (For more information http://www.apastyle.org)
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